It’s an ocean, not a puddle from
which you only drink once
It’s an ocean, not a puddle from which you only drink once*
Living Archive for an equitable Portuguese art sceneNOW ONLINE
It’s an ocean, not a puddle from which you only drink once* is an online archive that aims to promote and research the work of Portuguese woman artists: transgender and cisgender, but also non-binary and intersex individuals. Our objective is to promote the presence and visibility of works and artists within the Portuguese art context but also internationally, trying to reduce the existing injustice when it comes to questions of parity of gender, race, and class.
This living archive is organized in four areas: an index of ARTISTS; an index of WORKS; a magazine called BULLETIN, with news about events and essays; and TEMPEST, an area of curatorial and research projects. In this living archive the artworks are as visible as the biographical data of each artist, and the biographical texts go beyond the facts of their lives.
Coordinator & Editor: Susana Pomba
Graphic Design: Mariana Veloso
Webdesign: Sara Orsi
Press: Rita Tomás
*It’s an ocean, not a puddle from which you only drink once [É um oceano, não é uma poça de onde se bebe uma vez, in Portuguese], is a sentence by Isabel Carvalho, the title of a performance that the artist presented at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – Modern Art Centre, in 2013. An integral part of a Cycle of Performances, curated by Isabel Carlos and Rita Fabiana for the show Under the Sign of Amadeo. A Century of Art, this piece had as a starting point a series of 23 drawings by Ana Hatherly belonging to the Gulbenkian collection, titled The Pomegranate, from 1973. The performance is available online (in Portuguese) at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s website, here.